Local Competition


Candidate Eligibility


Register in a few easy steps!

Step 1: Register with Miss America

Candidates must be registered with Miss America prior to competing in the current competition year. This must only be done once per year. 


Step 2: Register for Miss Three Rivers Local Competition

Candidates must register through the Miss America portal for each local competition they desire to compete in.


Step 3: Complete and Submit Competition Documents

Each candidate must complete a Fact Sheet and Community Service Initiative as part of their competition requirements. Guidelines and Rules for those documents are linked below. Alongside these documents, each candidate will supply a headshot photo, talent description, and talent music (if applicable). Please note talent music and demonstrations are strictly limited to 90 seconds. 

Document Submission Form

Step 4: Complete and Submit Competitor Contract

Each candidate will receive a competition contract via email after submitting their registration and documentation for the local competition. The contract states, among other details, the candidate meets all legal requirements to compete for the Miss America Opportunity. 

Please Note:

Step 5: Pay the Local Competition Registration Fee

Once all paperwork, documents, and registration forms are completed and accepted. The last step is to pay your local competition fee of $100. All competition fees are used by the Local Pageant Directors (at their discretion) to offset costs of hosting their local competition, providing scholarship awards, and supporting titleholders through their year of service. Payments can be made by check on the day of the competition. 

Candidates for Miss Three Rivers Festival  and Miss TRF's Outstanding Teen, must commit to a presence during Three Rivers Festival, such as, the TRF Parade, Art-in-the-Park, Children's Fest, Family Fun Day, and meeting with the mayor.  There are many other opportunities during the festival, of which, our winners may decide to appear.  Both women, will also have the opportunity to promote their Social Impact Initiative and talent on stage under the tent at Headwaters Park, during the festival.  Various appearances around Fort Wayne and the surrounding areas, throughout the year, will also be opportunities afforded our winners.  Your directors, or other volunteers, will make every attempt to escort you around these events.  



T. Furth Center of Performing Arts


500 W Maumee St

Angola, IN 46703

Start Time: 4:00 PM